Your Daily Reprieve 11.01.24



Your Daily Reprieve for Friday November 1 , 2024


Somerset Hills, NJ



"Work a little less,

spend a little less,

enjoy life a lot more."


"You can be happy with what you have,

or be unhappy with what you don’t have."



"Be too big for worry and too noble for anger."
—Christian D. Larsen


"Forgiveness is the economy of the heart...

Forgiveness saves the expense of anger,

 the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits."
--Hannah More



Big Book Quote


If we have carefully followed directions,

we have begun to sense the flow of His Spirit into us.

To some extent we have become God-conscious.







Daily Share!


AA Speaker of the Day



Pacific Group Speakers

03.11 1998



Celebrate Your Anniversary Here



NOVEMBER 2024 Miracles


11/01 Anne K. (Bend, OR)…..29

11/01 Rick B. (Dyersburg, TN) …..6

11/02 Liz L. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..17

11/03 Brendan H. (Brooklyn,NY)…..10

11/04 Pat O’D. (Boston, MA)…..44

11/04 Lou L. (Smithtown, NY)…..28

11/05 Kent L. (Silverdale, WA)…..39

11/06 Dave B. (Galveston, TX)…..50

11/06 Margo F. (Ft. Myers-Sanibel)…..38

11/06 Jaime P. (So. Orange, NJ)…..7

11/06 Shelly M. (Cave Creek, AZ)…..37

11/07 Harry D. (Hampstead, NH)…..33

11/12 Michael M. …..38

11/13 Debbie S. (Hobe Sound, FL)…..13

11/13 Joe J. (Ludlow, VT)…..19

11/12 Rhodora R. (VA & GA {Turning Point})…..1

11/17 Tray B. (Waynesville, NC)…..9

11/19 Barbara C. (Poughkeepsie, NY)…..42

11/19 Tommy S. (Newport, RI)…..11

11/23 Carol S. (Edinburgh, Scotland)…..27

11/23 Colleen M. (Clayton, NC)…..7

11/23 Donna B. (Hampton, NH)…..44

11/23 Lindsey P. (Jacksonville, FL) …..1

11/29 Peter V. (Kittery, ME)…..44

11/30 Peter B. (New York City)…..34


0638 Total Years of Sobriety




Drop a Buck in the Basket?


Venmo @Tom-Murphy-160




Step Twelve - "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."

Where the possession of money and material things was concerned, our outlook underwent the same revolutionary change. With a few exceptions, all of us had been spendthrifts. We threw money about in every direction with the purpose of pleasing ourselves and impressing other people. In our drinking time, we acted as if the money supply was inexhaustible, though between binges we'd sometimes go to the other extreme and become almost miserly. Without realizing it we were just accumulating funds for the next spree. Money was the symbol of pleasure and self-importance. When our drinking had become much worse, money was only an urgent requirement which could supply us with the next drink and the temporary comfort of oblivion it brought.

p. 120



Twenty-Four Hours


A.A. Thought For The Day

I have hope. That magic thing that I had lost or misplaced.

The future looks dark no more. I do not even look at it,

except when necessary to make plans.

I try to let the future take care of itself.

The future will be made up of todays and todays,

stretching out as short as now and as long as eternity.

Hope is justified by many right nows,

by the rightness of the present.

Nothing can happen to me that God does not will for me.

I can  hope for the best, as long as I have what I have and it is good.

Have I hope?

Meditation For The Day

Faith is the messenger that bears your prayers to God.

Prayer can be like incense, rising ever higher and higher.

The prayer of faith is the prayer of trust that feels the presence
of God which it rises to meet. It can be sure of some response from God.

We can say a prayer of thanks to God every day for His grace,

which has kept us on the right way and allowed us

to start living the good life.

So we should pray to God with faith and trust

And gratitude.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may feel sure of some response to my prayers.

I pray that I may be content with whatever form that response takes.





Daily Thought

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"2. We GIVE AWAY TO KEEP. That seems absurd and untrue.

How can you keep anything if you give it away?

But in order to keep whatever it is we get in A.A.,

we must go about giving it away to others,

for no fees or rewards of any kind.

When we cannot afford to give away what we have received so freely in A.A.,

we had better get ready for our next 'drunk.'

It will happen every time.

We've got to continue to give it away in order to keep it."
The Professor and the Paradox.

1955 AAWS Alcoholics Anonymous
Second Edition p. 341

Thought to Consider . . .

ou cannot grasp something
 new until you let go of
what you are holding.


Helping Other People Every day



Daily Reflection



is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and

rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for

alcohol is a subtle foe.



My first sponsor told me there were two things to say about

prayer and meditation: first, I had to start and second, I had

to continue. When I came to A.A. my spiritual life was

bankrupt; if I considered God at all, He was to be called

upon only when my self-will was incapable of a task or

when overwhelming fears had eroded my ego.

Today I am grateful for a new life, one in which my

prayers are those of thanksgiving. My prayer time is more

for listening than for talking. I know today that if I cannot

change the wind, I can adjust my sail. I know the difference

between superstition and spirituality. I know there is a

graceful way of being right, and many ways to be wrong.



Pot Luck


"If you want to be secure, you have to give up the need to be secure."



I have spent so much of my life stressing and worrying about being secure. I’ve never felt like I’ve had enough money, or will ever have enough. In relationships, my insecurity has ruined many promising starts. I’ve lain awake at night worrying about my health, ruminating on the “what ifs.” It’s no wonder I drank so much; it was one of the few ways I had to quiet my mind.

When drinking stopped working for me, I entered recovery. At first I thought I’d get immediate relief from my worry, but with alcohol gone, I just grew more insecure. I overwhelmed my sponsor with all my “what ifs,” and he always asked the same thing: “Are you all right, right now?” “Yes, but . . . ,” I’d begin. “Right now, God has led you into recovery and has taken care of everything for you, right?” I admitted that was true. “Then let go and let Him take care of you,” he suggested.

I never thought it could be that easy, and I still tend to forget it. Today, while I still may not have all the money I want, I have all I need—and then some. I have love, health, hope, and long-term recovery. As soon as I gave up the need to be secure, I realized I already was secure. Today, I realize that my wants are what keep me from appreciating my haves. And today, I have all the security I need.



Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes


Committee Consideration

from the 73rd General Service Conference

In response to a Committee Consideration from the 73rd General Service Conference

regarding any possible future changes to literature written by A.A.’s founders,

 that committee agreed it would be beneficial to gather shared experience

from the Fellowship regarding this topic.



How Should We Treat A.A. Founders' Writings?




There is More to Quitting Drinking Than Quitting Drinking
(Audio Book)


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

AA CDs Literature and tapes






Loose Garment Group

Saturday & Sunday….Pot Luck…0900

ID: 238 977 518

PW: 004 394







AA World Service Board Meeting Highlights

October 2023

 A New Pair of Glasses in PDF (download) is available at:



Bill Schaberg

Writing The Big Book

Video Readings


*Angel Force USA


Angel Force USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



The avoidance of discussion about suicide

Our goal is to raise awareness of the military suicide epidemic.




Glenn C. (South Bend, Indiana)
Talk given at the 8th Annual National A.A. Archives Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sept. 27, 2003










12 Step Meditations


These are 12 meditations,

each about 12 minutes long and the content

(other than the meditation instructions)

are straight from the text of the big book and 12 & 12

(created by Matt H.)



Speaker Recordings


Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes



The Lights are On


AA Speaker Tapes


Recovery Speakers






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