Your Daily Reprieve 10.30.24



Your Daily Reprieve for Wednesday October 30, 2024


From Waynesville, NC



You had better live your best and act your best and think your best today;

for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow

and all the other tomorrows that follow.
~Harriet Martineau


'Cease to inquire what the future has in store,

and take as a gift whatever the day brings forth.'



Society trains us to be better than,

our program teaches us to be better for.

Heard in the meeting.


There may be difficulty at the moment,

but I will not lose the Virtue that I possess.

It is when the ice and snow are on them

that we see the strength of the cypress and the pine.

I am grateful for this trouble around me,

because it gives me an opportunity to realize how fortunate I am.



Big Book Quote


When we drew near to Him He disclosed Himself to us!






Daily Share!


AA Speaker of the Day



Pacific Group Speakers



Celebrate Your Anniversary Here



OCTOBER 2024 Miracles


10/01 Mary H. (Andover, MA)…..36

10/01 Brian M. (Ghana, West Africa)…..2

10/01 Lauri S. (Amesbury, MA)…..22

10/01 Leo N. (Ogunquit, ME)…..19

10/01 Medicine Mike (Salonga, NY)…..19

10/01 Gary V. (Norton, MA)…..11

10/01 Jim B. (Brunswick, ME)…..8

10/01 Eric M. (Wells, ME)…..4

10/01 Phaedra D. (Boston, MA)…..2

10/02 David R. (Bedminster, NJ)…..13

10/04 Tom H. (Strongsville, OH)…..24

10/04 Frank T. …..4

10/04 Kristopher B. (Toledo, OH)…..10

10/04 Charlie E. (Evanston, IL)…..12

10/06 Laura D. (Teaneck, NJ)…..9

10/06 Jen C. (Wabash, IN)…..5

10/06 Spike C. (Vero Beach, FL)…..5

10/06 Russ W. (Milford, CT)…..11

10/06 Terry S. (Collingwood, ON)…..34

10/06 Annette L. (Dothan, AL)…..32

10/07 Donna C. (Punta Gorda, FL)…..49

10/07 Martin F. …..22

10/07 Anne M. (East Hampton, NY)…..20

10/10 Ray H. (Cookeville, TN)…..14

10/11 Harriett B. (Parsonsburg, MD)…..36

10/11 Cigar Bob (Cocoa Beach, FL)…..27

10/12 David G. (Delray Beach, FL)…..37

10/12 Susanne W. (Thailand)…..41

10/12 Chris M. (Clark, NJ)…..37

10/13 Umberto B. (Yonkers, NY)…..13

10/13 Robert L. (Surf City, NC)…..23

10/13 Angie T. (Dorset, UK)…..20

10/13 Sonia J. (Far Hills, NJ)…..10

10/14 Carol S. (Key Largo, FL)…..39

10/14 Mark D. (Atlanta, GA)…..5

10/14 Steve P. (Hampton, NH)…..40

10/14 Louise D. (Amesbury, MA)…..2

10/15 Charles D.  (St. Augustine, FL)…..35

10/15 John C.  (East Quogue, NY)…..2

10/16 Oscar H. (London, UK)…..5

10/18 Sue G. (Mt Clemens, MI)…..1

10/19 Celia H. (Seal Beach, CA)…..38

10/19 Jason M. …..1

10/19 DeeDee L. (Charlotte, NC)…..25

10/21 Sue T. (Flanders, NJ/North Port, FL)…..11

10/22 Joanne L. (Berkeley Heights, NJ)…..11

10/23 Pete R. (Red Hook, NY)…..16

10/23 James D. (NYC)…..47

10/23 Dana H. (Waynesville, NC)…..6

10/23 Bill B. (Exeter, NH)…..36

10/24 Billy H. (Basking Ridge, NJ)…..9

10/25 Adam S. (Birmingham, England)…..1

10/25 Bob W. (Santa Teresa, NM)…..

10/25 Keely S. (Orick, CA)…..42

10/25 Robyn M. (Delray Beach, FL)…..35

10/26 Niall (Dublin, Ireland)…..32

10/26 Alex L. (Hopewell, NJ)…..4

10/27 Bill M. (Williamsport, PA)…..39

10/27 Jessica C. (Los Angeles, CA)…..7

10/27 Renee P. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..38

10/27 Rose S. (Yelm, WA)…..6

10/27 Sue B. (Seabrook, NH)…..39

10/27 Jolene E. (Orlando, FL)…..21

10/28 Kelly G. (Morristown, NJ)…..7

10/28 Craig B. (Memphis, TN)…..13

10/28 Lisa W. …..1

10/28 Phillip E. (Orlando, FL)…..21

10/29 Lisa B. (Yulee, FL)….2

10/29 LauraLea K. (Leesburg, FL)…..13

10/30 Mary Jo K. (Clarion, PA)…..10

10/31 Amy C. (Camden, ME)…..1

Roberta A. (Westhampton, NY)…..42


1296 Total Years of Sobriety




Drop a Buck in the Basket?


Venmo @Tom-Murphy-160




Step Twelve - "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."

A.A. has many single alcoholics who wish to marry and are in a position to do so. Some marry fellow A.A.'s. How do they come out? On the whole these marriages are very good ones. Their common suffering as drinkers, their common interest in A.A. and spiritual things, often enhance such unions. It is only where "boy meets girl on A.A. campus," and love follows at first sight, that difficulties may develop. The prospective partners need to be solid A.A.'s and long enough acquainted to know that their compatibility at spiritual, mental, and emotional levels is a fact and not wishful thinking. They need to be as sure as possible that no deep-lying emotional handicap in either will be likely to rise up under later pressures to cripple them. The considerations are equally true and important for the A.A.'s who marry "outside" A.A. With clear understanding and right, grown-up attitudes, very happy results do follow.

pp. 119-120



Twenty-Four Hours



A.A. Thought For The Day

I have real friends, where I had none before.

My drinking companions could hardly be called my real friends,

though when drunk we seemed to have the closest kind of
friendship. My idea of friendship has changed.

Friends are no longer people whom I can
use for my own pleasure or profit.

Friends are now people who understand me and I them,
whom I can help and who can help me to live a better life.

I have learned not to hold back and wait for friends to come to me,

but to go half way and to be met half way, openly and
freely. Does friendship have new meaning for me?

Meditation For The Day

There is a time for everything. We should learn to wait patiently until the right time
comes. Easy does it. We waste our energies in trying to get things before we are ready to have them, before we have earned the right to receive them.

A great lesson we have to learn is how to wait with patience.

We can believe that all our life is a preparation for
something better to come when we have earned the right to it.

We can believe that God has a plan for our lives

 and that this plan will work out in the fullness of time.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may learn the lesson of waiting patiently.

I pray that I may not expect things
until I have earned the right to have them.





Daily Thought


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(    \(AA)/    )

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"As psychiatrists have often observed, defiance is the outstanding characteristic of many an alcoholic . . . When we encountered A.A., the fallacy of our defiance was revealed. At no time had we asked what God's will was for us; instead we had been telling Him what it ought to be. No man, we saw, could believe in God and defy Him, too. Belief meant reliance, not defiance. In A.A. we saw the fruits of this belief: men and women spared from alcohol's final catastrophe."
1952 AAWS
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions p. 31



Thought to Consider . . .

God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.






B I G   B O O K
Believing In God Beats Our Old Knowledge

Daily Reflection




Never since it began has Alcoholics Anonymous been

divided by a major controversial issue. Nor has our

Fellowship ever publicly taken sides on any question in an

embattled world. This, however, has been no earned virtue.

It could almost be said that we were born with it. . . . "So

long as we don't argue these matters privately, it's a cinch

we never shall publicly."



Do I remember that I have a right to my opinion but that

others don't have to share it? That's the spirit of "Live and

Let Live." The Serenity Prayer reminds me, with God's

help, to "Accept the things I cannot change." Am I still

trying to change others? When it comes to "Courage to

change the things I can," do I remember that my opinions

are mine, and yours are yours? Am I still afraid to be me?

When it comes to "Wisdom to know the difference," do I

remember that my opinions come from my experience? If I

have a know-it-all attitude, aren't I being deliberately





Pot Luck


The Paradoxes

From: "The Professor and the Paradox"



We SURRENDER TO WIN. On the face of it, surrendering certainly does not seem like winning. But it is in A.A. Only after we have come to the end of our rope, hit a stone wall in some aspect of our lives beyond which we can go no further; only when we hit "bottom" in despair and surrender, can we accomplish sobriety which we could never accomplish before. We must, and we do, surrender in order to win.


We GIVE AWAY TO KEEP. That seems absurd and untrue. How can you keep anything if you give it away? But in order to keep whatever it is we get in A.A., we must go about giving it away to others, for no fees or rewards of any kind. When we cannot afford to give away what we have received so freely in A.A., we had better get ready for our next "drunk." It will happen every time. We've got to continue to give it away in order to keep it.



We SUFFER TO GET WELL. There is no way to escape the terrible suffering of remorse and regret and shame and embarrassment which starts us on the road to getting well from our affliction. There is no new way to shake out a hangover. It's painful. And for us, necessarily so. I told this to a friend of mine as he sat weaving to and fro on the side of the bed, in terrible shape, about to die for some paraldehyde. I said, "Lost John" - that's his nickname - "Lost John, you know you're going to have to do a certain amount of shaking sooner or later." "Well," he said, "for God's sake let's make it later!" We suffer to get well.


We DIE TO LIVE. That is a beautiful paradox straight out of the Biblical idea of being "born again" or "losing one's life to find it". When we work at our Twelve Steps, the old life of guzzling and fuzzy thinking, and all that goes with it, gradually dies, and we acquire a different and a better way of life. As our shortcomings are removed, one life of us dies, and another life of us lives. We in A.A. die to live.



2003 AAWS Inc.
Experience, Strength & Hope, pages 155-156



Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes


Committee Consideration

from the 73rd General Service Conference

In response to a Committee Consideration from the 73rd General Service Conference

regarding any possible future changes to literature written by A.A.’s founders,

 that committee agreed it would be beneficial to gather shared experience

from the Fellowship regarding this topic.



How Should We Treat A.A. Founders' Writings?




There is More to Quitting Drinking Than Quitting Drinking
(Audio Book)


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

AA CDs Literature and tapes






Loose Garment Group

Saturday & Sunday….Pot Luck…0900

ID: 238 977 518

PW: 004 394







AA World Service Board Meeting Highlights

October 2023

 A New Pair of Glasses in PDF (download) is available at:



Bill Schaberg

Writing The Big Book

Video Readings


*Angel Force USA


Angel Force USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



The avoidance of discussion about suicide

Our goal is to raise awareness of the military suicide epidemic.




Glenn C. (South Bend, Indiana)
Talk given at the 8th Annual National A.A. Archives Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sept. 27, 2003










12 Step Meditations


These are 12 meditations,

each about 12 minutes long and the content

(other than the meditation instructions)

are straight from the text of the big book and 12 & 12

(created by Matt H.)



Speaker Recordings


Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes



The Lights are On


AA Speaker Tapes


Recovery Speakers







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