Your Daily Reprieve 09.19.24









Your Daily Reprieve for Thursday September 19 2024


From Waynesville, NC



"Life is about how much you have done to improve the lives of others.

~Malika E. Nura


Learn a lesson from the redwoods. Let them teach the power of

patience and calm. Life goes on. Things happen. People change.

Times move along. There are stories to live and stories to tell, but we

can be calm and know that, always, all is well.

--Melody Beattie



"Forgiving is not forgetting, it's letting go of the hurt."

--Mary McLeod Bethune



"Life holds so much--so much to be so happy about always. Most

people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can be felt only if

you don't set conditions."

--Artur Robinstein



Big Book Quote


These men had found something brand new in life. Though they knew they must help other alcoholics if they would remain sober, that motive became secondary. It was transcended by the happiness they found in giving themselves for others.






Daily Share!


AA Speaker of the Day



A New Pair of Glasses

CD 6




Celebrate Your Anniversary Here



September2024 Miracles


09/01 Billy K. (Vero Beach, FL)…..24

09/01 Jenny S. (Sarasota, FL)…..5

09/01 Elle F. (Nantucket, MA)…..18

09/2 Leslie Z. (Vally Village, CA)…..43

09/02 Heather D. Norwell, MA)…..1

09/03 Edward H. (Andover, MA)…..41

09/03 Walter R. (Milford, NH)…..18

09/03 Paul K. (Stuart, FL)…..1

09/04 Bob B. (NFM, FL)…..51

09/04 Abby M. Fishers Island, NY)…..15

09/05 Ken Mc. (Surrey, UK)…..53

09/05 Chris L. (Portsmouth, RI)…..36

09/05 Susan L. (Basking Ridge, NJ)…..30

09/06 Karen M. (Peekskill, NY)…..32

09/06 Neil B. (Floral Park, NY)…..31

09/06 Jim H. (Amelia Island, FL)…..5

09/07 April Ginger (NJ)…..12

09/08 Billy O’K. (Tequesta, FL)…..44

09/08 Julie N. (Port Washington, NY)…..6

09/08 Carol Ann B. (Bedminster, NJ)…..28

09/10 Shane T. (Staines, West London, England)…..16

09/10 Sue B. (Haiku, HI/Melbourne Beach, FL)…..13

09/11 Deck H. (Oldwick, NJ)…..38

09/11 Gillian J. (Yulee, FL)…..10

09/11 Constance L. (Yulee, FL)…..1

09/12 Pat M. (Suffern, NY)…..32

09/12 Joe C. (Palm Coast, FL)…..34

09/13 Lowell M. (Portsmouth, RI)…..1

09/13 Lisa N. (New Jersey)…..13

09/13 Jim L. (Ludlow, VT)…..12

09/13 Kitty G. (Sarasota, FL) …..9

09/14 Lynda C. (New York, NY)…..43

09/15 Fiona H. (Hampshire, UK)…..5

09/15 Sue B. (VT/FL)…..11

09/15 Hillary M. (New Canaan, CT)…..7

09/16 Sean N. (Solihull, West Midland, UK)…..4

09/17 Mary P. (High Point, NC)…..31

09/17 Rich C. …..22

09/19 Jim H. (New Rochelle, NY)…..43

09/19 John P. (Lula, GA)…..7

09/19 John A. (Gainesville, GA)…..13

09/19 Wendy H. (CA)…..40

09/20 Paul T. (Hobe Sound, FL)…..13

09/20 Dawn D. (New York, NY)…..15

09/20 Ted Z. (Sterling, NJ/Gibsonville, NC)…..36

09/21 Nelle C. (Auburn, AL)…..31

09/21 Beth G. (Los Angeles, CA)…..45

09/23 Mark W. (Solihull, UK)…..5

09/23 Pat C. (Sun City Center, FL)…..50

09/23 David A. (New York City)…..23

09/23 Lori H. (Miami, FL)…..9

09/23 Bill G. (Woodstock, VT)…..39

09/24 Katie S. (East Hampton, NY)…..24

09/24 Clifton J. …..3

09/24 Frank P. (Westfield, NJ)…..1

09/25 Barry A. (Ruskin, FL)…..25

09/26 Pete C. (Syracuse, NY)…..34

09/26 Kristin (Connecticut)…..8

09/26 Rik V. (Aruba)…..12

09/27 Karen R. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) …..2

09/28 Scott B. (Epping, NH)…..28

09/28 Brendan D. (Massillon, OH)...4

09/28 Paul W. (Springfield, NJ)…..35

09/28 Maureen B. (Haskell, NJ/California)…..51

09/29 Sinead G. (West Midlands, UK)…..14

09/30 Sheree H. (Bellevue, WA)…..10


1417 Total Years of Sobriety






Drop a Buck in the Basket?


Venmo @Tom-Murphy-160




Step Ten - "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."

We can try to stop making unreasonable demands upon those we love. We can show kindness where we had shown none. With those we dislike we can begin to practice justice and courtesy, perhaps going out of our way to understand and help them.

Whenever we fail any of these people, we can promptly admit it--to ourselves always, and to them also, when the admission would be helpful. Courtesy, kindness, justice, and love are the keynotes by which we may come into harmony with practically anybody. When in doubt we can always pause, saying, "Not my will, but Thine, be done." And we can often ask ourselves, "Am I doing to others as I would have them do to me--today?"

p. 93



Twenty-Four Hours


A.A. Thought For The Day

Let us continue with Steps Two, Three, and Eleven.
We must turn to a Higher Power for help, because we
are helpless ourselves. When we put our drink problem
in God's hands and leave it there, we have made the
most important decision of our lives. From then on,
we trust God for the strength to keep sober. This
takes us off the center of the universe and allows
us to transfer our problems to a Power outside
ourselves. By prayer and meditation, we seek to
improve our conscious contract with God. We try to
live each day the way we believe God wants us
to live. Am I trusting God for the strength to stay sober?

Meditation For The Day

"These things have I spoken unto you, that your joy
may be full." Even a partial realization of the
spiritual life brings much joy. You feel at home in
the world when you are in touch with the Divine
Spirit of the universe. Spiritual experience brings
a definite satisfaction. Search for the real meaning
of life by following spiritual laws. God wants you to
have spiritual success and He intends that you have it.
If you live your life as much as possible according to
spiritual laws, you can expect your share of joy and
peace, satisfaction and success.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I will find happiness in doing the right
thing. I pray that I will find satisfaction in obeying
spiritual laws.







Daily Thought

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"A willingness to do whatever I was told to do simplified the program for me. Study the A.A. book - don't just read it. They told me to go to meetings, and I still do at every available opportunity, whether I am at home or in some other city. Attending meetings has never been a chore for me. Nor have I attended them with a feeling of just doing my duty. Meetings are both relaxing and refreshing to me after a hard day. They said 'Get active' so I helped whenever I could, and still do."
1976 AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 381

Thought to Consider . . .
he ankle-biters of everyday struggles will eat away at me unless I go to meetings and call my sponsor.



Any Change Toward Improving One's Nature

Daily Reflection



We admitted we couldn't lick alcohol with our own

remaining resources, and so we accepted the further fact

that dependence upon a Higher Power (if only our A.A

group) could do this hitherto impossible job. The moment

we were able to accept these facts fully, our release from

the alcohol compulsion had begun.



Freedom came to me only with my acceptance that I could

turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher

Power, whom I call God. Serenity seeped into the chaos of

my life when I accepted that what I was going through was

life, and that God would help me through my difficulties—

and much more, as well. Since then He has helped me

through all of my difficulties! When I accept situations as

they are, not as I wish them to be, then I can begin to grow

and have serenity and peace of mind.




Pot Luck




If we don't change what isn't working in our lives, we will live the same day over and over again.



We have all had the experience of realizing that something in our lives is not working. This knowledge can come as a sudden realization or a nagging feeling of doubt that grows stronger, waking us up to the fact that something needs to change. Some people have a tendency to act rashly and make sweeping changes before even understanding what the problem is. Other people fear change, so they live with the uncomfortable awareness that something needs to shift but don’t do anything about it. Between these two extreme responses lies a middle way that can help us powerfully and gracefully change what isn’t working.



The first step is remembering that your life is made up of parts that belong to an interconnected whole. Changing one thing can change everything. Because of this, small changes often have a big effect. Sometimes much bigger changes are necessary, but the only way to know for sure is to take the time to really understand the problem. Examine your life in its entirety — your work, your relationships, where you live — and determine what specifically is not functioning the way you would like. Once you have figured out the problem, write it down on a piece of paper. For example, “I am not happy with my relationship,” or “I don’t like my apartment.” The next step is to figure out the adjustment you would like to make and how you can go about making this change.



If you are unhappy with your relationship because you spend too much or not enough time with your partner, you may want to discuss this problem with them and come up with a compromise. On the other hand, if you realize your relationship is not working to such a degree that it needs to end, begin working through that process. Writing down the truth can be a powerful catalyst for change.



The key to making changes that work is to accept the necessity of change as part of life. As we change, we may find the need to fine-tune our relationships, work, and living situations. Our lives are living, breathing entities that reflect our dynamic selves.








Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes


Committee Consideration

from the 73rd General Service Conference

In response to a Committee Consideration from the 73rd General Service Conference

regarding any possible future changes to literature written by A.A.’s founders,

 that committee agreed it would be beneficial to gather shared experience

from the Fellowship regarding this topic.



How Should We Treat A.A. Founders' Writings?




There is More to Quitting Drinking Than Quitting Drinking
(Audio Book)


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

AA CDs Literature and tapes






Loose Garment Group

Saturday & Sunday….Pot Luck…0900

ID: 238 977 518

PW: 004 394







AA World Service Board Meeting Highlights

October 2023

 A New Pair of Glasses in PDF (download) is available at:



Bill Schaberg

Writing The Big Book

Video Readings


*Angel Force USA


Angel Force USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



The avoidance of discussion about suicide

Our goal is to raise awareness of the military suicide epidemic.




Glenn C. (South Bend, Indiana)
Talk given at the 8th Annual National A.A. Archives Workshop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sept. 27, 2003










12 Step Meditations


These are 12 meditations,

each about 12 minutes long and the content

(other than the meditation instructions)

are straight from the text of the big book and 12 & 12

(created by Matt H.)



Speaker Recordings


Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes



The Lights are On


AA Speaker Tapes


Recovery Speakers






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