
Showing posts from January, 2024

Your Daily Reprieve 02.01.24

      Your Daily Reprieve for Thursday February 1, 2024   From Waynesville, NC     People who love themselves come across as very loving, generous and kind; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness. ~Sanaya Roman   Don’t let the opinions of other people determine the image you have of yourself. There is no need to feel either appreciated or understood. Be even-minded.   What you think about yourself is everything. What others think about you has no value at all, unless you choose to give it value. -Shantidasa   Lose all your concepts about religion and spirituality and love. Be simple, be humble, and be happy in your way; let no one tell you that this is the right way and that is the wrong way. However you feel—whatever brings you peace and joy—is the correct way for you. Continue in that way and you’ll see the bl