Your Daily Reprieve 06.02.23




Your Daily Reprieve for Thursday June 1, 2023


From Jacksonville, FL



Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future,

but from wanting to control it.

— Kahlil Gibran



Excellence is the result of

caring more than others think is wise,

risking more than others think is safe,

dreaming more than others think is practical,

and expecting more than others think is possible.
~Ronnie Oldham


Develop success from failures. 

Discouragement and failure

are two of the surest stepping stones to success.  

-Dale Carnegie


Whatever you do, you need courage.

Whatever course you decide upon,

there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong.

There are always difficulties arising that tempt you

to believe your critics are right.

To map out a course of action and follow it to an end

requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs.

Peace has its victories, but it takes

brave men and women to win them.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson


Big Book Quote


"We found that God does not make too hard terms with those who seek Him. To us, the Realm of Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe, to all men."


~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, We Agnostics, Page 46~


Bill Schaberg

Writing The Big Book

Video Readings




Passing The Basket

Your Daily Reprieve Turns 24 This Year

We Are Well Over 4000 Members

Contributions Accepted

Venmo       @Tom-Murphy-160

Pay Pal





Daily Share!


AA Speaker of the Day



Coral Springs, FL

Bull In The China Shop

Step 10, 11, 12




Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes






Loose Garment Group

M-F 12:00 EST (NY)


Friday….12 & 12


Saturday & Sunday….Pot Luck…0900

ID: 238 977 518

PW: 004 394







Celebrate Your Anniversary Here



June   2023 Miracles


6/1 Carol B. (Danbury, CT)…..43

6/1 Kristin C. (Dallas, TX)…..20

6/2 Joe C. (Indialantic, FL)…..5

6/2 Linda B. (Dallas, TX)…..43

6/2 Stan B. (Dallas, TX)…..43

6/2 Sabrina R. (Larchmont, NY)…..8

6/4 Bob G. (Peapack, N)…..8

6/5 Mike M. (Orange, CA)…..5

6/6 Cindy C. (Soddy Daisy, TN)…..4

6/8 Patrick S. …..28

6/9 Dan K. (Jacksonville, FL)…..4

6/10 Dave McD. (Hudson Beach, FL)…..46

6/10 David T. (Putney, UK)…..10

6/10 Sean H. (Jupiter, FL)…..15

6/12 Petrena K. …..13

6/12 Robert R. (New York City)…..35

6/13 Luanne D. (Vero Beach, FL)…..8

6/15 Liz M. (Nantucket, MA)…..4

6/16 Jose D. (Paterson, NJ)…..1

6/16 Jim L. (Ash Fork, AZ)…..3

6/16 Rich H. (Tarrytown, NY)…..8

6/16 Lara (Watertown, CT/Nantucket, MA)…..3

6/19 Cindy W. (Satellite Beach, FL)…..19

6/19 Jack D. …..30

6/20 Barry (Gold Coast, Queensland, AU)…..26

6/20 Joe R. (Ridgewood, NJ)…..17

6/21 Natalie W. (Melbourne, FL)…..14

6/23 Chris B. (Rockville, MD)…..10

6/25 JD (Los Angeles, CA)…..8

6/25 Patty A. (Corpus Christi, TX)…..11

6/26 Anthony A……17

6/27 Steve V. (Jacksonville, FL)…..47

6/28 Chuck D. (Leesburg, FL)…..13

6/28 Janet D. …..43


0502 Total Years of Sobriety







Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs."

This feeling of being at one with God and man, this emerging from isolation through the open and honest sharing of our terrible burden of guilt, brings us to a resting place where we may prepare ourselves for the following Steps toward a full and meaningful sobriety.

p. 62


Twenty-Four Hours


A.A. Thought For The Day

Some things I do not miss since becoming dry: that overall awful
feeling physically, including the shakes, a splitting headache, pains in
my arms and legs, bleary eyes, fluttering stomach, droopy shoulders,
weak knees, a three-day beard, and a flushed complexion. Also, facing
my loved one at breakfast. Also, composing the alibi and sticking to it. Also,
trying to shave or put on make-up with a shaky hand. Also, opening up my
wallet to find it empty. I don't miss these things, do I?

Meditation For The Day

You were born with a spark of the Divine within you. It had been all
but smothered by the life you were living. That celestial fire has to be
tended and fed so that it will grow eventually into a real desire to live
the right way. By trying to do the will of God, you grow more and
more in the new way of life. By thinking of God, praying to Him, and
having communion with Him, you gradually grow more like Him. The
way of your transformation from the material to the spiritual is the
way of Divine Companionship.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may tend the spark of the Divine within me so that it will
grow. I pray that I may be gradually transformed from the old life to
the new life.




Daily Thought

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"In spite of the great increase in the size and the span of this Fellowship, at its core it remains simple and personal. Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharing experience, strength, and hope."
Alcoholics Anonymous, p. xxii

Thought to Consider . . .
We need each others experience, strength, and hope,

regardless of age or length of sobriety.




Help Open People's Eyes

Daily Reflection



Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.



When I was drinking, my attitude was totally selfish,

totally self-centered; my pleasure and my comfort came

first. Now that I am sober, self-seeking has started to slip

away. My whole attitude toward life and other people is

changing. For me, the first "A" in our name stands for

attitude. My attitude is changed by the second "A" in our

name, which stands for action. By working the Steps,

attending meetings, and carrying the message, I can be restored

to sanity. Action is the magic word! With a positive,

helpful attitude and regular A.A. action, I can stay sober

and help others to achieve sobriety. My attitude now is that

I am willing to go to any length to stay sober!





Pot Luck


"Meeting makers make it."


When I was ninety days sober, I saw a guy take a seven-year anniversary cake. He talked about how grateful he was, about his sponsor and sponsees, and how he still went to at least five meetings every week. I was appalled! Seven years sober and he still went to that many meetings?! In fact, still went to meetings at all? If he could go seven years without a drink, wasn’t he better by now?

After the meeting, I asked my sponsor how long I would have to go to meetings. He said I’d have to keep going until I wanted to go to meetings. This made no sense to me at the time because going to meetings didn’t seem to be an option, but rather an obligation. I knew that if I didn’t go, then I’d soon be drinking and using again. I also harbored the idea that one day I would graduate. I’d learn how to control the urge to drink and would be normal again. I soon learned differently.

The longer I went to meetings, the more I discovered that those people celebrating anniversaries for longer-term sobriety were the same ones who consistently went to meetings. The other people whom I saw occasionally, and then stopped seeing, eventually went out. And that’s when I made the connection: Meeting makers make it. I realized that to retain the sense of ease and comfort I’d found, I needed to keep receiving the message of experience, strength, and hope I heard in meetings. Today, gratefully, I want to keep attending meetings, and now as an “old-timer,” I realize that by consistently making meetings, I’ve been able to keep making it.









12 Step Meditations


These are 12 meditations, each about 12 minutes long and the content (other than the meditation instructions) are straight from the text of the big book and 12 & 12

(created by Matt H.)



Speaker Recordings


Wee Willie’s

Sobriety First Media

AA CD’s Literature and tapes



The Lights are On


AA Speaker Tapes


Recovery Speakers







12 Step Meditations


These are 12 meditations, each about 12 minutes long and the content (other than the meditation instructions) are straight from the text of the big book and 12 & 12

(created by Matt H.)




Daily Meditations Group Home



Daily Meditations Archive






To be added, email



AA Membership Survey




Meditation Resources




Loving Kindness Meditations


With Music



Voice only



Free Guided Meditations






Great Minds Quotes



Twenty Four Hours a Day

Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics

throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),

this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.

A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.

Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation


Tammy’s recovery links





AA Photo Archives


Heard at A Meeting


Breast Cancer Site

Take a minute and click to provide free mammograms



America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group

and advocacy national nonprofit organization.


Big Book Quotes


The Universe






As We See It (AWSI)



Keep It Simple

Hazelden Meditations




Daily Thought


Speaker Recordings


Wisdom of the Room



To comment or to unsubscribe:


Tom Murphy

C 508.221.8896


2828 Forest Circle

Jacksonville, FL







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