
Showing posts from September, 2022

Your Daily Reprieve 10.01.22

      Your Daily Reprieve for Saturday October 1 ,  2022   From Nantucket, MA     “I’m guilty of giving people more chances than they deserve but when I’m done, I’m done.” – Turcois Ominek     “Just because someone has been in your life for many years, doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a point at which you finally decide to let go.”             – Wilfred James Dolor   Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn’t blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a person who won’t cheat, then you know you never will. ~John MacDonald     “A clean and sensitive conscience, a steady and scrupulous integrity in small things as well as large, is the most valuable of all possessions, to a nation as to an individual.” ~Henry van Dyke     Big Book Quote   "