
Showing posts from August, 2020

Your Daily Reprieve 09.01.20

      Your Daily Reprieve for Tuesday September 1, 2020   From Waynesville, NC     Somewhere in the late 20th century we got the idea that busyness is a virtue. We decided that the more activities we can squeeze into our lives, the happier we'll be. What ultimately results, though, is physical and spiritual exhaustion. We jump from one appointment to another, our body and mind racing. We schedule events back to back and overlapping, with no time to rest or reflect. And when we're in one activity, we're either distracted with the thing we've just done or the thing that's coming up. It's not a good way to live. -Jack Zavada     We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will too heavy for us if we carry yesterday's burden over again today, and then add burden of the morrow before w