
Showing posts from July, 2020

Your Daily Reprieve 08.01.20

      Your Daily Reprieve for Saturday August 1, 2020   From Waynesville, NC     During a meeting one day, I remarked that I was just tickled to death with this A.A. program - all but the spiritual side of it. After the meeting, another member came up to me and said, "I liked that remark you made - about how you like the program - all but the spiritual part of it. We've got a little time. Why don't we talk about the OTHER side of it?" That ended the conversation. ~Modesto, California; "Came To Believe", page 6   “Facing ourselves ... is often more difficult than being honest with another person.” ~Grapevine: Manhattan, NY, December 1980   The greatest gift you can give to another is to allow them to be just as they are. ~Unknown   There is a place that you are to fill, something you are to do, which no one else can do. ~