Your Daily Reprieve 03.09.20

Your Daily Reprieve for Monday  March  9 , 2020

From Jacksonville, FL

"Hope is believing in spite of the evidence, then watching the evidence change
. ... Simply put, faith makes hope possible.
And hope is the single most important ingredient
for changing the world."
--Jim Wallis

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance
- it is the illusion of knowledge."
-- Daniel I. Boorstin

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress.
Working hard for something we love is called passion."
~Simon Sinek

“For me, there is a direct coupling of the Tenth Step and Step Two.
The more sanity, the quicker the admission that I am wrong.
It is much easier today to get rid of an overreaction at the thought level
before it becomes a spoken word and then a physical act.
“Now I can see that sanity is steadily being restored to me
so that I can use the other Steps to greater advantage.”
~Grapevine:March 1981, “Sanity,”, Step By Step


(info pertinent to this group that may be useful in times like these will be posted in this space for now)

From Elizabeth E.
When I became wheelchair and  housebound in 2017 as a result of health issues, I was introduced to an English speaking online group that originated with ex-pats in China, the Global Speakers Group. I am currently the Secretary and we now have 3 meetings a week, Sunday (speaker meeting), Monday Women’s literature discussion, Tuesday literature discussion. The first 12 weeks of each year On Sunday we have a Step Workshop and have speakers from all over the world share on a Step each Sunday. This year on week 13 we have a speaker on the Traditions. Please look for details at our website:

**** *
Additional Link
Courtesy of Hugh H.

Big Book Quote

"The basic principles of the A.A. program, it appears, hold good for
individuals with many different lifestyles, just as the program has
brought recovery to those of many different nationalities. The
Twelve Steps that summarize the program may be called los Doce Pasos
in one country, les Douze Etapes in another, but they trace exactly
the same path to recovery that was blazed by the earliest members of
Alcoholics Anonymous."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Foreward To Third Edition

Daily Share!

AA Speaker of the Day

Los Angeles, CA
@Oklahoma City

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

Celebrate Your Anniversary Here
Send your sober date to

6/10 (mo/day)
Bob S
Akron, OH

It will look like this :
6/10 Bob S. (Akron, OH).....84

MARCH 2020 Miracles

3/1 Crispin H. (London, UK)…..38
3/1 Newfie Dave D. (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia)…..22
3/1 Donnie M. (Springfield, WV)…..21
3/1 Rich W. (Astoria, NY)…..5
3/2 Liz C. (White Plains, NY)…..11
3/3 Curtis C. (Parrsboro, N.S. )…..1
3/3 Daniel J. (Naples, FL)…..1
3/3 Steven H. (Atlantic Heights, NJ)…..14
3/3 Kelly T. (Newmarket, NH)…..29
3/4 Adam L.   (NY,NY / SOMA, NJ)…..6
3/4 Chris A. (Bristol, UK)…..50
3/5 Bill E. (Portsmouth, RI)…..35
3/5 Tom M. Waynesville, NC/Jacksonville, FL)…..26
3/5 Deirdre C. (Cornelius, NC)…..24
3/6 Julie D. (Ajijic. Jalisco, Mexico)…..38
3/7 Adam S. (Tampa)…..3
3/7 Dave G. (White Rock. B.C./Merida. Mex)…..17
3/7 George H. (Milwaukee, WI)…..12
3/8 William the Wanderer (NH)…..31
3/9 Andy W. (Harbor Island, BYOC)…..33
3/9 Sheila J. (New York, NY)…..34
3/9 Patti K. (Baiting Hollow)…..36
3/9 Tony C. (Punta Gorda, FL)…..41
3/9 Phil S. (Santa Fe, NM)…..10
3/10 Mark B. (Portland, ME)…..34
3/11 John M. (Succasunna, NJ)…..11
3/11 Eleni N. (Portland, ME)…..1
3/12 Ned W. (Melbourne, FL)…..23
3/12 Carol S. (Farmington Hills, MI)…..17
3/13 Tom V. (Morristown, NJ)…..13
3/14 Frank G. (San Francisco, CA)…..29
3/14 Barbara B. (Watson, LA)…..1
3/14 Suzanne S. ()…..40
3/15 Zvi B. (Brooklyn, NY)…..1
3/16 Eli S. (Waynesville, NC)…..1
3/16 Bill I. (Islington, MA)…..35
3/17 Anna D. (Delaware)…..1
3/17 Judy D. (Camel, CA)…..5
3/17 Dan D. (Vero Beach, FL)…..41
3/17 Susan P. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..30
3/18 Glenn M. (Indialantic, FL)…..1
3/18 Rachel P. (Lond0n, UK)…..6
3/19 Rebecca S. (London, UK)…..2
3/19 Mike B. (Purchase, NY)…..20
3/20 Kathleen G. (Cavan Lodge, Ireland)…..18
3/21 Lee H (Devon, PA)…..3
3/21 Norm A. (Boston, MA)…..31
3/21 Tucker H. (Nantucket, MA)…..3
3/21 Kate A. (Nyack, NY)…..32
3/23 Donna L. (Pearl River,NY )…..22
3/23 Jesse R. ()…..10
3/24 Amy BS (New York ,NY)…..32
3/24 Joan O. (Keaau, HI)…..3
3/24 Wendy R. (Nyack, NY)…..34
3/25 Ashley G. ()…..4
3/25 Tim F. (River Edge, NJ)…..6
3/26 Christina U. (Palm Coast, FL)…..7
3/26 Rudy T. (Santa Fe, NM)…..2
3/27 Steve H. (East Hampton, NY)…..33
3/27 Jonelle A. ()…..32
3/27 Chuck L. (Key Largo, FL)…33
3/28 Collen S. (Fernandina Beach, FL)…..32
3/28 Michelle E. (Grand Rapids, MI)…..1
3/28 Sam S. (Houston, TX)…..7
3/28 Steven S. (Summit, NJ)…..10
3/28 Shane S. (Randolph, NJ)…..2
3/29 Robin S. (New York, NY)…..27
3/30 Barbara K. (Melville, NY)…..15
3/31 Joyce G. (Michigan/Florida)…..10

1252  Total Years of Sobriety


Step Seven - "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."

This lack of anchorage to any permanent values, this blindness to the true purpose of our lives, produced another bad result. For just so long as we were convinced that we could live exclusively by our own individual strength and intelligence, for just that long was a working faith in a Higher Power impossible. This was true even when we believed that God existed. We could actually have earnest religious beliefs which remained barren because we were still trying to play God ourselves. As long as we placed self reliance first, a genuine reliance upon a Higher Power was out of the question. That basic ingredient of all humility, a desire to seek and do God's will, was missing.

p. 72

Twenty-Four Hours

A.A. Thought For The Day

If we had absolute faith in the power of God to keep us
from drinking and if we turned our drink problem entirely
over to God without reservations, we wouldn't have to do
anything more about it. We'd be free from drink once and
for all. But since our faith is apt to be weak, we have
to strengthen and build up this faith. We do this in
several ways. One way is by going to meetings and
listening to others tell how they have found all the
strength they need to overcome drink. Is my faith being
strengthened by this personal witness of other alcoholics?

Meditation For The Day

It is the quality of my life that determines its value.
In order to judge the value of a man's life, we must set
up a standard. The most valuable life is one of honesty,
purity, unselfishness, and love. All men's lives must be
judged by this standard in order to determine their value
to the world. By this standard, most of the so-called
heroes of history were not great men. "What shall it profit
a man if he gain the whole world, if he loseth his own

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may be honest, pure, unselfish and loving.
I pray that I may make the quality of my life good by
these standards.

Daily Thought
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t a certain point in the drinking of every alcoholic, he passes into a state where the most powerful desire to stop drinking is of absolutely no avail. This tragic situation has already arrived in practically every case long before it is suspected.
c. 2001 AAWS, Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 24

Thought to Consider . . .

hen a person tries to control their drinking they have already lost control.

Any Change Toward Improving One's Nature

Daily Reflection

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the
care of God as we understood Him.

No matter how much one wishes to try, exactly how can
one turn his own will and his own life over to the care of
whatever God he thinks there is? In my search for the
answer to this question, I became aware of the wisdom with
which it was written: that this is a two-part Step.
I could see many times where I should have died, or at
least been injured, during my previous style of living, and it
never happened. Someone, or something, was looking after
me. I choose to believe my life has always been in God's
care. He alone controls the number of days I will be granted
until physical death.
The matter of will (self-will or God's will) is the more
difficult part of the Step for me. It is only when I have
experienced enough emotional pain, through failed attempts
to fix myself, that I become willing to surrender to God's
will for my life. Surrender is like the calm after the storm.
When my will is in line with God's will for me, there is
peace within.

Pot Luck  

Eye Opener February 3

               To shut off from our minds the recollections of unpleasant yesterdays is of course impossible, but we can refuse to dwell on them unnecessarily, or to lash the present with the cruel whip of the past.

               It was in the past that remorse, resentments and self-pity were found, but now we are doing our level best to lose them in order to insure a happy and sober present. Close the gate  — we have passed through it.

The Eye Opener, Hazelden

Speaker Recordings

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

The Lights are On

Recovery Speakers



An On-Line Study Resource

Daily Meditations Group Home

Daily Meditations Archive


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Please share your wisdom, anecdotes and travels with other members of Your Daily Reprieve.


AA Membership Survey (2014)


Meditation Resources


Loving Kindness Meditations

With Music

Voice only

Free Guided Meditations


Great Minds Quotes


Twenty Four Hours a Day
Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics
throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),
this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.
A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.
Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation

Tammy’s recovery links

Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Nonsense:
Change Happens by Changing Your Perception
by Georgia Hughes

AA Photo Archives

Heard at A Meeting

Breast Cancer Site
Take a minute and click to provide free mammograms

America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group
and advocacy national nonprofit organization.

Big Book Quotes

The Universe


As We See It (AWSI)

Keep It Simple
Hazelden Meditations

Daily Thought

Speaker Recordings
{Under Reconstruction}

Wisdom of the Room

To comment or to unsubscribe:

Tom Murphy
C 508.221.8896
Skype txmurphy

405 Winchester Creek Rd
Waynesville, NC



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