Tour Daily Reprieve 01.09.20

Your Daily Reprieve for Thursday  January  9, 2020

From Jacksonville, FL

"When you come to the edge of all the light you have known, and are about to step out into darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen; there will be something to stand on, or you will be taught to fly."
--Richard Bach

The problem is not materialism as such. Rather, it is the underlying assumption that full satisfaction can arise from gratifying the senses alone. Unlike animals whose quest for happiness is restricted to survival and to the immediate gratification of sensory desires, we human beings have the capacity to experience happiness at a deeper level which, when achieved, can overwhelm unhappy experiences. - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"Over every mountain there is a path,
although it may not be seen from the valley."
– Theodore Roethke

Things may change,
but when you start every day with God,
there is continuity.
May you be blessed with the holy companionship
of a never changing God.

Big Book Quote

"For the type of alcoholic who is able and willing get well,
 Little charity, in the ordinary sense of the word, is need or wanted.
The men who cry for money and shelter before conquering alcohol, are on the wrong track."

Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Working With Others, pg. 97

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AA Speaker of the Day

@Jefferson City, MO

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

Celebrate Your Anniversary Here
Send your sober date to

6/10 (mo/day)
Bob S
Akron, OH

It will look like this :
6/10 Bob S. (Akron, OH).....84

January 2020 Miracles

1/1 Bob V. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..36
1/1 Severine W. (Sacramento, CA)…..3
1/1 Elena C. (NYC, NY)…..4
1/1 Nancy W. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..32
1/1 Joan B. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..31
1/1 Jessica C. (NYC, NY)…..6
1/1 Deirdre K. (Madison, NJ)…..15
1/1 John C. (Los Alamitos, CA)…..15
1/1 Ray A. (Surrey, BC, Canada)…..2
1/1 Lauren B. (Basking Ridge, NJ)…..2
1/2 Joe B. (Jacksonville, FL)…..6
1/2 Robbie H. (White Rock, BC)…..7
1/2 Brian C. (Port Washington, NY)…..4
1/2 Mercedes G. (Tampa. FL)…..1
1/2 Joe D. (NYC,NY)…..1
1/2 Gregory B. (New York, NY)…..8
1/3 Billy M. (Louisville, KY)…..41
1/3 Johnyr (Stuart, FL)…..42
1/4 Nicola H. (Hertfordshire, UK)…..1
1/4 Kevin J. (RI)…..29
1/5 Donna M. (Port St Lucie, FL)…..46
1/5 Paola V. (London, UK)….14
1/5 Gwen F. (Key West, FL)…..12
1/5 Tim G. (Dallas, TX)…..8
1/6 Mike S. (Jacksonville, FL)…..14
1/6 Mary B. (Key Largo, FL)…..14
1/6 David M. (Las Vegas, NV)…..24
1/6 Ann OK-B (Stuart FL/Greenwich, CT)…..41
1/6 George R. (Stratham, NH)…..8
1/6 Karen F. (Clinton, NJ)…..2
1/7 Alexis E. (East Twickenham, UK)…..18
1/7 Ray W. (Long Island)…..8
1/7 Leo D. (Warren, NJ)…..22
1/7 Luke T. (Nantucket, MA)…..1
1/7 Liz O. (New York, NY)…..16
1/8 Alan J. (Stone Ridge, NY)…..12
1/8 Lou S. Sarasota, FL)…..7
1/9 Tefft W. (Washington, DC)…..35
1/9 Jason M. (Rye, NY)…..20
1/10 Paula B. (Charleston, SC)…..37
1/10 Janice E. (Corpus Christi, TX)…..20
1/12 Padraic O. (Whistler, BC, Canada)…..7
1/12 David F. (Windermere, BC, CA)…..7
1/12 Shabab N. (Bethesda, MD)…..17
1/13 Tara M. (Larchmont, NY)…..7
1/13 Robbie H. (FL/VA)…..38
1/13 Ken R. (Norfolk, MA)…..17
1/13 John E. (Reading, UK)….5
1/13 Brian G. (Ridgewood, NJ)…..30
1/13 Rick H. (Vero Beach, FL)…..2
1/14 Maria H. (New York, NY)…..26
1/14 Dot C. (Acton, MA)…..7
1/14 Nick M. (Asheville, NC/Denver.CO)…..26
1/15 Bob W. (Punta Gorda, FL)…..37
1/15 Sue J. (Palm Coast, FL)…..10
1/15 Mike R. (Englewood, NJ)…..29
1/15 Steve D. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..8
1/16 Jeff W. (Lake City, CO)…..15
1/17 Helen C. (Folkestone, UK)…..48
1/17 Scott M. (New York, NY)…..6
1/19 Rob W. (St Mary’s . GA) …..3
1/19 Rhonda L. (Stuart, FL)…..18
1/19 Carol L. (Aspen, CO)…..29
1/19 Alan S. (Hiawassee. GA)…..7
1/20 Paul M. (Shediac, NB, Canada)…..39
1/20 Peter G. (Scoudouc, NB, Canada)…..39
1/21 Levi S. (London, UK)…..5
1/21 Shane S. (Methuen, MA)…..1
1/21 Heather N. (Wylie,TX)…..23
1/21 Brian Mc. (Mahwah, NJ)…..36
1/22 Stacey C. (Austin, TX)…..13
1/22 Keith B. (Stuart, FL)…..22
1/22 Paul S. (Exeter, NH)…..2
1/23 Mike C. (Solon, OH)…..5
1/23 Susie S. (Legarto, TX)…..25
1/24 Paul B. (Newburyport, MA)…..34
1/24 Vito (Saratoga Springs, NY)…..
1/25 PJ C. (Bel Air, 28MD)…..5
1/25 Steve L. (Palm Coast, FL)…..2
1/26 Dana R. (Madison, CT)…..5
1/28 Karen Ann B. (Stuart, FL)…..1
1/29 Sandra C. (Port St Lucie, FL)…..44
1/30 Keith C. (Denham Springs, LA)…..11
1/31 Bob P. (Jacksonville, NC)…..36
1/31 Diane B. (Cape Cod, MA)…..27

1359 Total Years of Sobriety


Step Four - "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves."

By now the newcomer has probably arrived at the following conclusions: that his character defects, representing instincts gone astray, have been the primary cause of his drinking and his failure at life; that unless he is now willing to work hard at the elimination of the worst of these defects, both sobriety and peace of mind will elude him; that all the faulty foundation of his life will have to be torn out and built anew on bedrock. Now willing to commence the search for his own defects, he will ask: “Just how do I go about this? How do I take inventory of myself?”

p. 50

Twenty-Four Hours

A.A. Thought For The Day

When we were drinking, most of us had no real faith in
anything. We may have said that we believe in God, but we
didn't act as though we did. We never honestly asked God
to help us and we never really accepted His help. To us,
faith looked like helplessness. But when we came into A.A.,
we began to have faith in God. And we found out that faith
gave us the strength we needed to overcome drinking. Have
I learned that there is strength in faith?

Meditation For The Day

I will have faith, no matter what may befall me. I will be
patient, even in the midst of troubles. I will not fear
the strain of life, because I believe that God knows just
what I can bear. I will look to the future with confidence.
I know that God will not ask me to bear anything that
could overcome me or destroy me.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may put this day in the hands of God. I pray
for faith, so that nothing will upset me or weaken my
determination to stay sober.

Daily Thought
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Help is Available

If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it - then you are ready to take certain steps. At some of these we balked. We thought we could find an easier, softer way. But we could not. With all the earnestness at our command, we beg of you to be fearless and thorough from the very start. Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely. Remember we deal with alcohol - cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power - that One is God. May you find Him now!
c. 1976, 2001 AAWS
Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 58

Thought to Consider . . . 

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

Heart Open; Please Enter

Daily Reflection

It is truly awful to admit that, glass in hand, we have
warped our minds into such an obsession for destructive
drinking that only an act of Providence can remove it from

My act of Providence, (a manifestation of divine care and
direction), came as I experienced the total bankruptcy of
active alcoholism—everything meaningful in my life was
gone. I telephoned Alcoholics Anonymous and, from that
instant, my life has never been the same. When I reflect on
that very special moment, I know that God was working in
my life long before I was able to acknowledge and accept
spiritual concepts. The glass was put down through this one
act of Providence and my journey into sobriety began. My
life continues to unfold with divine care and direction. Step
One, in which I admitted I was powerless over alcohol, that
my life had become unmanageable, takes on more meaning
for me—one day at a time—in the life-saving, life-giving
Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Pot Luck

Native American

"You are going to learn the most important lesson - that God is the most powerful thing there is."
--Mathew King, LAKOTA

The Medicine Wheel teaches that there are two worlds - the Seen World and the Unseen World, or the Physical World and the Spiritual World. We need information from both of these worlds in order to live our lives in a harmonious way. The most difficult way is to figure things out by ourselves and leave the Great Spirit out of it. When we do this, we are making decisions with information only from the Physical World. This can be called reliance on self. If we ask the Creator to help us, we then get information from the Unseen World or the Spiritual World. The Spiritual World is where we get our power. When we do this, we are God-reliant. Being God-reliant is the same as being on the Red Road.

Great Spirit, whisper the secrets of the Unseen World in my mind's ear.

Speaker Recordings

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Sobriety First Media
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Great Minds Quotes


Twenty Four Hours a Day
Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics
throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),
this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.
A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.
Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation

Tammy’s recovery links

Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Nonsense:
Change Happens by Changing Your Perception
by Georgia Hughes

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Tom Murphy
C 508.221.8896
Skype txmurphy

405 Winchester Creek Rd
Waynesville, NC



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