Your Daily Reprieve 05.31.18

Your Daily Reprieve for Thursday  May  31, 2018

From St. Augustine, FL

God's will is a lot like dancing. When you and your partner both try to lead it gets clumsy. But when you let God lead, life is smooth and graceful. May you be blessed to keep step with God's will for you and may you enjoy the exquisite dance of life.

"Happiness is when what you think,
what you say,
and what you do
are in harmony."
– Mahatma Gandhi

"Trying to figure it all out in my head brings on waves of fear, anxiety, and self-reproach. So I say, 'What can I do for myself and others today?'" ~Grapevine; New Canaan, Connecticut, April 1976

If you’re happy and you know it, Overthink.
If you’re happy and you know it, Overthink.
If you’re happy and you know it,
Give your brain a chance to blow it,
If you’re happy and you know it, Overthink

Big Book Quote

"We know that while the alcoholic keeps away from drink, as he may do for months or years, he reacts much like other men. We are equally positive that once he takes any alcohol whatever into his system, something happens, both in the bodily and mental sense, which makes it virtually impossible for him to stop. The experience of any alcoholic will abundantly confirm this."

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, There Is A Solution, pg. 22~

AA Speaker of the Day
Daily Share!

@ Jekyll Island, GA

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

Celebrate Your Anniversary Here

6/10 (mo/day)
Bob S
Akron, OH

It will look like this :
6/10 Bob S. (Akron, OH).....83

May 2018 Anniversaries

5/1 Rhonda B. (Seattle, WA).....17
5/1 Bryan E. New York, NY).....4
5/1 Stacey E. (Dothan, AL).....12
5/1 John L (Somerset County, NJ).....28
5/2 Erik M. (Rhinebeck, NY).....12
5/2 Steve W. (Cape Cod, MA).....3
5/2 Sam B. (Norwood, NJ).....17
5/2 Eddie C. (Southampton, UK).....18
5/3 Victor V. (Long Island, NY).....4
5/4 Capt. Patrick R. (Happy Valley, MA).....7
5/7 Anthony A. (Mamaroneck, NY).....22
5/7 Clinton S. (Orlando, FL).....32
5/8 Mickey B. (Locust Valley, NY).....30
5/8 Mark C. (Kodak, TN).....4
5/9 Stuart O. (Springfield, VA).....6
5/9 Crystal D. (La Jolla, CA).....10
5/10 Ross C. ().....19
5/10 Nicole B. (NYC, NY).....1
5/10 Jim P. (Carmel, CA).....7
5/10 Sue V. (Kittery, ME).....12
5/10 Valerie G. (Devon, PA/Sea Isle, NJ).....5
5/10 John H. (Key Biscayne, FL).....36
5/11 Vaugn T. (Gladstone, NJ).....14
5/11 Eileen J. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..13
5/12 Susan B. (Port Charlotte, FL)…..1
5/12 Beth N. (Orlando, FL).....21
5/13 Gary V. (Highland, IN).....32
5/13 Pat P. (Punta Gorda, FL)…..12
5/13 Linda K. (Deerfield, IL).....32
5/15 Wilma R. (Princeton, NJ).....28
5/15 Chris W. (Stuart, FL).....29
5/15 Austin P. (Newport, RI).....18
5/15 Bill O’. (East Hampton, NY).....14
5/15 Garret R. (Kings Park, NY).....5
5/15 Jason T. (Watertown, MA).....8
5/15 Rich M. (NYC, NY).....15
5/15 Dyane M. (Conway, NH).....14
5/15 Carol K. (Higgins Lake, MI and Estero, FL)......18
5/17 Lisa H. (Paris, KY).....7
5/17 David “Livin’ the Dream” H (Lewisburg PA) 28
5/17 Clifford E. (Earth).....23
5/17 Heather S. (Highland Park, NJ).....9
5/17 John C. (East Hampton, NY).....17
5/19 Nancy T. (The Villages, FL).....42
5/20 Capt. Jeff E. (Pensacola, FL).....6
5/21 Dennis G. (New York, NY).....35
5/21 Paolo M. (Nantucket/N. Palm Beach).....17
5/22 Jim M. (Citrus Hills, FL).....15
5/22 Robin K. (East Hampton, NY).....17
5/22 Jamie S. Mamaroneck, NY).....16
5/23 Erik A. (Mequon, WI).....35
5/23 Rebecca K. (Boston, MA).....10
5/24 Harry K. (France).....25
5/25 Christina C. (New York, NY).....2
5/26 Monica F. (Los Angeles, CA).....1
5/26 Mark D. (Kittery, ME).....15
5/26 Jerry S. (new York, NY).....36
5/26 Lee T. (Westport, CT/Tortola, BVI).....27
5/26 Lisa F. (New York, NY).....14
5/26 Brian L. Stamford, CT).....9
5/27 John F. (Haverhill, MA).....19
5/28 Phil K. (Port Charlotte, FL).....43
5/28 Susan L. (Westhampton, NY).....5
5/28 Roldan CP (Sasebo, Japan).....3
5/29 Kathleen S. (Bernardsville, NJ).....17
5/29 Bumpersticker Billy N. (Portsmouth, RI).....20
5/29 George B. (Cleveland OH/Key Largo)...5
5/29 Jim C. (Brooklyn, NY).....5
5/29 Mary C. (Yuma, AZ).....28
5/29    Allen V. (Phoenicia NY/Astoria NY).....10
5/29 Paula M. ().....11
5/30 Matt C. (New Forest, UK).....13
5/31 Art D. (Mequon. WI).....34
5/31 Lisa M. (Jacksonville, FL).....9
5/31 Dave P. (Gulf Breeze, FL).....4
5/31 Rhoda M. (East Hampton, NY).....12

1195 Total Years of Sobriety


Tradition Three - "The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking."

Overjoyed, the newcomer plunged into Twelfth Step work. Tirelessly he laid A.A.'s message before scores of people. Since this was a very early group, those scores have since multiplied themselves into thousands. Never did he trouble anyone with his other difficulty. A.A. had taken its first step in the formation of Tradition Three.

p. 142

Twenty-Four Hours

A.A. Thought For The Day

I shall not wait to be drafted for service to A.A. I Shall volunteer. I
shall be loyal in my attendance, generous in my giving, kind in my
criticism, creative in my suggestions, loving in my attitudes. I shall give
to A.A. my interest, my enthusiasm, my devotion, and most of all,
myself. Do I also accept this as my AA. credo?

Meditation For The Day

Prayer is of many kinds, but of whatever kind, prayer is the linking up
of the soul and mind to God. So, if prayer is only a glance of faith, a
look or a word of love, or just a feeling of confidence in the goodness
and purpose in the universe, still the result of that prayer is added
strength to meet all temptations and to overcome them. Even if no
supplication is expressed, all the supply of strength that is necessary is
secured, because the soul, being linked and united to God, receives
from Him all spiritual help needed. The soul, when in its human body,
still needs the things belonging to its heavenly habitation.

Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may be taught how to pray. I pray that I may be linked
through prayer to the mind and will of God.

Daily Thought
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"If we are fooling ourselves, a competent adviser can see this quickly. And, as he skillfully guides us away from our fantasies, we are surprised to find that we have few of the usual urges to defend ourselves against unpleasant truths. In no other way can fear, pride, and ignorance be so readily melted. After a time, we realize that we are standing firm on a brand-new foundation for integrity, and we gratefully credit our sponsors, whose advice pointed the way."
Bill W., Box 1980:
The AA Grapevine, August 1961.
As Bill Sees It, p. 248 

Thought to Consider . . . 

recovering alcoholic without a sponsor is much like leaving Dracula in charge of the blood bank.


Call your Sponsor
Ask for help from your Higher Power
Read the Big Book
Do the Twelve Steps
Stay active in your Group

Daily Reflection

. . . our Society has concluded that it has but one high
mission—to carry the A.A. message to those who don't
know there's a way out

The "Light" to freedom shines bright on my fellow
alcoholics as each one of us challenges the other to grow.
The "Steps" to self-improvement have small beginnings,
but each Step builds the "ladder" out of the pit of despair to
new hope. Honesty becomes my "tool" to unfurl the
"chains" which bound me. A sponsor, who is a caring
listener, can help me to truly hear the message guiding me
to freedom.
I ask God for the courage to live in such a way that the
Fellowship may be a testimony to His favor. This mission
frees me to share my gifts of wellness through a spirit of
readiness to serve others.

Pot Luck

Nothing is so bad that relapse won't make it worse.

The stories we hear in meetings often shock us. It seems hard to believe that some members could have harmed themselves in such ways. We hear about arrests, bankruptcies, loss of family and home, lost jobs, violence, jail, physical injury – the list goes on. Most of us said to ourselves, "I never was that bad. Maybe I don't really belong here."

Our sponsors and fellow members quickly straightened us out. We were comparing our histories with other members. We were told to identify with the stories, not compare. Some of us had been lucky that worse things hadn't happened to us while we were using. We were reminded those things hadn't happened to us "yet." If we relapsed, the "yets" were waiting.

Today I'll remember to identify, not compare. I don't want to relapse and go through THE YETS.

You are reading from the book:

Speaker Recordings

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AA Membership Survey (2014)


Meditation Resources


Loving Kindness Meditations

With Music

Voice only

Free Guided Meditations


Great Minds Quotes


Twenty Four Hours a Day
Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics
throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),
this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.
A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.
Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation

Tammy’s recovery links

Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Nonsense:
Change Happens by Changing Your Perception
by Georgia Hughes

AA Photo Archives

Heard at A Meeting

Breast Cancer Site
Take a minute and click to provide free mammograms

America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group
and advocacy national nonprofit organization.

Big Book Quotes

The Universe


As We See It (AWSI)

Keep It Simple
Hazelden Meditations


Daily Thought

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Wisdom of the Room

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Tom Murphy
C 508.221.8896
H 772 219 2346
Skype txmurphy

405 Winchester Creek Rd
Waynesville, NC



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