Your Daily Reprieve 07.31.17

Your Daily Reprieve for Monday July  31,  2017

From Jacksonville, FL

"I still don't know much about heaven, but I've learned some valuable lessons about life on earth." ~Grapevine: December 1979

When the frustration of my helplessness seemed greatest, I discovered God's grace was more than sufficient. And after my imprisonment, I could look back and see how God used my powerlessness for His purpose. What He has chosen for my most significant witness was not my triumphs or victories, but my defeat.

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people."
Fred Rogers

"You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration."
~James Allen

Big Book Quote

"It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on
our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a
subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is
a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual

~Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Into Action, pg. 85~

Daily Share!

AA Speaker of the Day

SNL Friday Night Speaker
San Jose

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

Celebrate Your Anniversary Here

July  2017 Anniversaries

7/1 Fay L. (Dallas, TX).....12
7/1 Jean L. (Morristown, NJ).....22
7/1 Joanna H. (Buckinghamshire, UK).....2
7/1 Deborah Mc (Cocoa, FL).....6
7/2 Valerie M. (Vancouver, BC, Canada).....37
7/2 Alison “Aloe” M.....(Nova Scotia).....24
7/4 Jim M. (Waynesville, NC).....27
7/4 Myra W. (Naples, FL).....11
7/4 Dave S. (Gulf Breeze, FL).....32
7/4 Robert F. (Mineola, NY).....13
7/4 Dennis S. Springfield, VA).....35
7/4 Elizabeth S. (Apopka, FL).....2
7/4 Walter l. (Martinsville, NJ/Wells, ME).....9
7/4 Jorge B. (Delta Club, Houston, TX).....1
7/4 Shauna T. (Astoria, NY).....6
7/5 Sarah T. (Tampa, FL).....1
7/6 Ron L. (Merrimac, MA).....31
7/6 Murdoch G. (Yarmouth, NS).....5
7/6 Don T. (Plymouth, MA).....22
7/6 Frances G. (Dallas, TX).....30
7/6 Michael R. (Floral Park, NY).....27
7/7 Dan S. (Port Charlotte, FL).....20
7/7 Susan E. (Palm City, FL).....10
7/7 DB ().....1
7/7 Neil T. (Glen Oaks, NY).....29
7/8 Scottish John McK (Ringwood, UK).....12
7/9 Dave S. (Commack, NY).....2
7/9 David G. (Mamaroneck, NY).....2
7/10 Ellie B. (Kiawah Island, SC).....28
7/10 Chad W. (Charlton, MA).....11
7/11 Joanie T. (NYC).....34
7/12 Lisette C. (Salem, NH).....1
7/12 Mick J. (Stuart, FL).....7
7/13 Rick S. (Fernandina Beach, FL).....27
7/13 Elizabeth C. (Stuart, FL).....2
7/13 Eleanor M. (Far Hills, NJ).....5
7/13 Linda C. (Stuart, FL).....41
7/15 Michelle A. (New Hyde Park, NY).....13
7/15 Bo L. (Edgewater. NJ).....24
7/15 Eileen F. (NYC, NY).....38
7/16 Jack S. (Franklin Square, NY).....22
7/16 Jeffrey B. ().....26
7/17 Megan G. (North Port, FL).....32
7/17 Tharin W. (Polk City, FL).....12
7/19 Tom H. (Besancon, France).....20
7/19 Tara W. (Lititz, PA).....19
7/19 Murielle I. (White Rock, BC, Canada).....12)
7/21 Jack H. (Prescott Valley, AZ).....3
7/21 Ashley M. (Port St Lucie, FL).....19
7/23 Susan S. (Randolph, NJ).....34
7/23 Christian H. (NYC, NY).....8
7/24 Krista A. (Charlotte, NC).....11
7/24 Ken A. (Newburyport, MA).....25
7/24 Ida C. (Houston, TX).....6
7/24 Andy B. (Rye, NH).....13
7/25 Ken K. (Devon, PA).....8
7/26 Diana T. (Pavia, Italy).....7
7/26 Sylvia W. (Monaco).....26
7/26 Lori-Ann O. (So. Weymouth, MA).....21
7/27 David M. (San Francisco, C).....12
7/27 Ronni R. New York, NY).....7
7/27 Mark L. (Ellsworth, ME).....25
7/27 Christine K. (NYC, NY).....11
7/28 Raymond M. (St. George, ME).....1
7/28 Nora M. (Cincinnati, OH).....11
7/28 JDK (Newport, RI).....9
7/28 Chris F. (Chatham, NJ).....33
7/28 Tom L. (Portland, ME).....2
7/29 Tara W. (Lititz, PA).....29
7/29 Kevin T. (Dunedin, FL).....33
7/31 Hugh B. (Mansfield, MA).....4

1166 Total Years of Sobriety


Tradition Twelve - "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities."

But it became apparent that the word-of-mouth method was too limited. Our work, as such, needed to be publicized. The A.A. groups would have to reach quickly as many despairing alcoholics as they could. Consequently, many groups began to hold meetings which were open to interested friends and the public, so that the average citizen could see for himself just what A.A. was all about. The response to these meetings was warmly sympathetic. Soon, groups began to receive requests for A.A. speakers to appear before civic organizations, church groups, and medical societies. Provided anonymity was maintained on these platforms, and reporters present were cautioned against the use of names or pictures, the result was fine.

p. 186

Twenty-Four Hours

A.A. Thought For The Day

This leaves only one day - today. Anyone can fight the battles of just
one day. it is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful
eternity's, yesterday and tomorrow, that we break down. It is not the
experience of today that drives us mad. It is the remorse or bitterness
for something that happened yesterday or the dread of what tomorrow
may bring. Let us therefore do our best to live but one day at a time.
Am I living one day at a time?

Meditation For The Day

Give God the gift of a thankful heart. Try to see causes of
thankfulness in your everyday life. When life seems hard and troubles
crowd, then look for some reasons for thankfulness. There is nearly
always something you can be thankful for. The offering of
thanksgiving is indeed a sweet incense going up to God throughout a
busy day. Seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about.
You will acquire in time the habit of being constantly grateful to God
for all His blessings. Each new day some new cause for joy and
gratitude will spring to your mind and you will thank God sincerely.

Prayer For The Day

I pray for a truly thankful heart. I pray that I may be constantly
reminded of causes for sincere gratitude.

Daily Thought
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"Unreasonable fear that our instincts will not be satisfied drives us to covet the possessions of others, to lust for sex and power, to become angry when our instinctive demands are threatened, to be envious when the ambitions of others seem to be realized while ours are not. We eat, drink, and grab for more of everything than we need, fearing we shall never have enough. And with genuine alarm at the prospect of work, we stay lazy. We loaf and procrastinate, or at best work grudgingly and under half steam. These fears are the termites that ceaselessly devour the foundations of whatever sort of life we try to build."
1952AAWS, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 49

Thought to Consider . . .

ear is a darkroom for developing negatives


Forgetting Everything's All Right

Daily Reflection


God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot
change, Courage to change the things we can. And wisdom
to know the difference.

The power of this prayer is overwhelming in that its simple
beauty parallels the A.A. Fellowship. There are times when
I get stuck while reciting it, but if I examine the section
which is troubling me, I find the answer to my problem.
The first time this happened I was scared, but now I use it
as a valuable tool. By accepting life as it is, I gain serenity.
By taking action, I gain courage and I thank God for the
ability to distinguish between those situations I can work
on, and those I must turn over. All that I have now is a gift
from God: my life, my usefulness, my contentment, and
this program. The serenity enables me to continue walking
forward. Alcoholics Anonymous is the easier, softer way.

Pot Luck
A weed is but an unloved flower.
--Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Through actively loving one another we nurture the richness of everyone's fuller expression. With no more than a nod of attention we can elicit a smile or perhaps a commitment to attempt again a challenge that defeated us earlier. None of us shines as brightly, moves as swiftly, or succeeds as easily as when someone special is rooting in our corner.

We each need someone special, and let's not forget that we are someone special to another who is walking our path. The loneliness of a day is diminished when we feel the love of someone near or far. The dread of any task is lessened when we bask in the knowledge that we are special to someone. Like roses, we bloom while under the gaze of loving eyes.

Let's remember to nurture the rose within the friends and strangers who are walking our way today.

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Great Minds Quotes


Twenty Four Hours a Day
Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics
throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),
this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.
A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.
Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation

Tammy’s recovery links

Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Nonsense:
Change Happens by Changing Your Perception
by Georgia Hughes

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Take a minute and click to provide free mammograms

America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group
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Tom Murphy
C 508.221.8896
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Skype txmurphy

405 Winchester Creek Rd
Waynesville, NC



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