
Showing posts from February, 2017

Your Daily Reprieve 02.28.17

Your Daily Reprieve for Tuesday   February 28 ,   2017 From Waynesville, NC "Drinking is no longer a problem, but my thinking sure is. Writing a gratitude list puts the brakes on negative thoughts, turns me back toward the light, and helps me to see the beauty in everyday life." ~Grapevine: New York, N.Y., January 2006 "Happiness is a butterfly which when pursued is just out of grasp... But if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." --Nathaniel Hawthorne The best day of your life, hasn't happened yet. ~Unknown “To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger; but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can.” ~Sydney Smith Opposition is a natural part of life. Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition such as lifting weights, we develop our character muscles by over-c