Your Daily Reprieve 01.31.16

Your Daily Reprieve for Sunday January  31, 2016

From Stuart, Florida

"Gratitude releases us from the 'Gimmies'. If there is to be any peace,
it will come through being, not having.
--Henry Miller

“I have come to believe that hard times are not just meaningless suffering and that something good might turn up at any moment. That's a big change for someone who used to come to in the morning feeling sentenced to another day of life. When I wake up today, there are lots of possibilities. I can hardly wait to see what's going to happen next.” ~Anonymous

"You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as the unknown - only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood" ~Captain James T Kirk

The ultimate purpose of human life is
to love in the face of hatred,
to forgive in the place of pain,
to live in the face of death.
~ John Shelby Spong

Big Book Quote

"We think it no concern of ours what religious bodies our members
identify themselves with as individuals. This should be an entirely
personal affair which each one decides for himself in the light of
past associations, or his present choice."

Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, There Is A Solution, pg. 28

Daily Share!

AA Speaker of the Day

Las Vegas, NV
Mahoney’s Silver Nugget

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

Celebrate Your Anniversary Here


If you are celebrating an anniversary this month,
please send along the date and any message you would
like to share with the other 3000 people on this email list and
perhaps as many as 30000 others who have it forwarded.

You need to remind me every year!

Send your day, your location and number of years to:

January 2016 Anniversaries

1/1 Skipper Bob V. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..32
1/1 Steve K. (Boston/Stuart, FL)…..18
1/1 Joan B. (Port Charlotte, FL) ...... 27 years
1/1 Joe G. (Riverside, RI)…..29
1/1 Deirdre K. (New Providence, NJ)…..11
1/1 John C. (Los Alamitos, CA)…..11
1/1 Mary Lou K. (Phillips, Maine)…..35
1/1 Dan D. (Creve Coeur, MO)…..1
1/1 Joanie R. (Bedminster, NJ)…..14
1/1 Peter J. (Vancouver BC, Canada)….. 5years
1/2 Gregory B. (NYC, New York)…..4
1/2 Peggy M. (Rye Beach, NH)…..36
1/2 Tara H. (NYC, NY)…..1
1/2 Katherine F. ( Cohassett, MA) ...... 10
1/3 Kare B. (Boston, MA)…..32
1/3 Johnyr (Stuart, FL)…..38
1/5  Heidi O. ()…..19
1/5 Tim G. (Dallas, TX)…..4
1/6 Heather B. (Scotland)…..2
1/6 Ann B. (Greenwich, CT/Stuart, FL)…..37
1/6 Mary B. (Key Largo, FL)…..10
1/6 Richard F. (Annapolis, MD)…..1
1/6 George R. (Stratham, NH)…..4
1/6 Cate N. (Calgary. Alberta, CA)…..6
1/7 Leo D. (Warren, NJ)…..18
1/7 Tom D. (Gold Canyon, AZ (Scituate, MA))…..44
1/7 Kurt D. (Thailand)…..14
1/7 Liz O. (NY, NY)…..12
1/8 Louis S. (Tortola, BVI)…..3
1/8 Alan J. (Roscoe, NY)…..8
1/9 Patrick H. (Long Beach, CA)…..1
1/9 Jason M. (Rye, NY)…..16
1/10 Kelly P. (Methuen, MA)…..27
1/10 Tim S. (Nursling, UK)…..10
1/10 Tom D. (Dallas, TX)…..25
1/10 Sara M. (Fresh Meadows, NY)…..3
1/11 Danielle T. (NYC, NY)…..24
1/11 Austin B. (NYC, NY)…..7
1/11 Larry H. (Yalata, FL)…..10
1/12 Mike L. (Scituate, MA) ........3
1/12 Shahab N. (Havre de Grace, MD)…..13
1/13 Padraic O’. (Whistler, BC_.....3
1/13 Tara M. (Larchmont, NY)…..3
1/13 David S. (Boston, MA)…..30
1/13 Robbi (Port Charlotte, FL/VA)…..34
1/14 Cheryl V. (Netherlands)…..1
1/14 Dot C. (MA)…..3
1/14 Nick M. (Asheville, NC)…..22
1/15 Steven D. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..4
1/15 John M. (Dumaguete, Phillipines)…..19
1/16 Tree A. San Anselmo, CA)…..27
1/16 Jeff W. (Lake City, CO)…..11
1/16 Rob R. (Mesa, AZ)…..8
1/16 Sheila j. (NYC, NY)…..30
1/17 Scott M. (New York City)…..2
1/17 Helen C. (Folkestone, UK)…..44
1/17  Melinda F. (Dothan, AL)…..6
1/17 Gabby M. (Denville, NJ)…..3
1/18 Jerry H. (Winchester, UK)…..17
1/19 Alan S. (Hiawassee, GA)…..3
1/19 Carol L. (Palm Beach /Aspen /New York City)…..25
1/20 Elizabeth J. (Lake Mary, FL)…..29
1/20 Mary Lois (ML) A. (Stuart, FL)…..13
1/20 Jeff L. (Portsmouth, NH)…..2
1/21 Mary Jane H. (Melvile, NY)…..44
1/21 Robby R. (Bernardsville, NJ)…..3
1/22 Gary J. (New Canaan, CT)…..30
1/22 Julie K. (Bridgewater, NJ)…..8
1/22 Stacey C. (NYC, NY)…..9
1/23 Lindsay M. (Randolph, MA)…..1
1/23 George McC. (Venice, FL) ...... 47
1/24 Vito (Saratoga Springs, NY)…..24
1/24 Paul B. (Newburyport. MA)…..30
1/24 Melanie K. (NYC, NY)…..5
1/25 Terry O’D. ( Scituate, MA) ..... 41
1/25 Thomas M (Airdrie, Scotland)…..27
1/26 Dana R. (Madison, CT)…..1
1/26 Doug L. (San Diego, CA)…..5
1/27 Bud C. (Marshfield, MA) ....... 27
1/27 Iris F. (Naples, FL)…..18
1/28 Bill S. (Big Flats, NY)…..27
1/28 Lisa G. (Spring Lake, NJ)…..4
1/29 Sandy W. (East Hampton, NY)…..20
1/29 Sandra C. (Port St. Lucie, FL)…..40
1/30 Kurt S. (Philly/ Ponte Vedra, FL)…..22
1/30 Kris W. (Arkansas)…..30
1/31 Bob P. (Fushun, China/Morehead City, NC)….. 32
1/31 Diane B. (Cape Cod, MA)…..23

1466 Total Years of Sobriety


Step Twelve - "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."

Where the possession of money and material things was concerned, our outlook underwent the same revolutionary change. With a few exceptions, all of us had been spendthrifts. We threw money about in every direction with the purpose of pleasing ourselves and impressing other people. In our drinking time, we acted as if the money supply was inexhaustible, though between binges we'd sometimes go to the other extreme and become almost miserly. Without realizing it we were just accumulating funds for the next spree. Money was the symbol of pleasure and self-importance. When our drinking had become much worse, money was only an urgent requirement which could supply us with the next drink and the temporary comfort of oblivion it brought.

p. 120

Twenty Four Hours

A.A. Thought For The Day

Drinking cuts you off from God. No matter how you were
brought up, no matter what your religion is, no matter
if you say you believe in God, nevertheless you build
up a wall between you and God by your drinking. You know
you're not living the way God wants you to. As a result,
you have that terrible remorse. When you come into A.A.,
you begin to get right with other people and with God. A
sober life is a happy life, because by giving up drinking
we've got rid of our loneliness and remorse. Do I have real
fellowship with other people and with God?

Meditation For The Day

I believe that all sacrifice and all suffering is of value
to me. When I am in pain, I am being tested. Can I trust
God, no matter how I feel? Can I say Thy will be done, no
matter how much I am defeated? If I can, my faith is real
and practical. It works in bad times as well as in good
times. The Divine Will is working in a way that is beyond
my finite mind to understand, but I can still trust in it.

Prayer For The Day

I pray that I may take my suffering in my stride. I pray
that I may accept pain and defeat as part of God's plan
for my spiritual growth.

Daily Thought
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Carrying the Message

"Alcoholics simply will not listen to a paid twelfth-stepper. Almost from the beginning, we have been positive that face-to-face work with the alcoholic who suffers could be based only on the desire to help and be helped. When an AA talks for money, whether at a meeting or to a single newcomer, it can have a very bad effect on him, too. The money motive compromises him and everything he says and does for his prospect. This has always been so obvious that only a very few AA's have ever worked the Twelfth Step for a fee."
c. 1952AAWS, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 166
Thought to Consider . .

There is no materialism in AA -- just spirituality.


H E A R T = 
Healing, Enjoying, And Recovering, Together

Daily Reflection


The unity of Alcoholics Anonymous is the most cherished
quality our Society has . . . We stay whole, or A. A. dies

Our Traditions are key elements in the ego deflation
process necessary to achieve and maintain sobriety in
Alcoholics Anonymous. The First Tradition reminds me
not to take credit, or authority, for my recovery. Placing
our common welfare first reminds me not to become a
healer in this program; I am still one of the patients. Self-effacing
elders built the ward. Without it, I doubt I would
be alive. Without the group, few alcoholics would recover.
The active role in renewed surrender of will enables me
to step aside from the need to dominate, the desire for
recognition, both of which played so great a part in my
active alcoholism. Deferring my personal desires for the
greater good of group growth contributes toward A.A.
unity that is central to all recovery. It helps me to
remember that the whole is greater than the sum of all its

Pot Luck

AA Paradoxes
Paradox #1
On the face of it, surrendering certainly does not seem like winning.
But it is in AA. Only after we have come to the end of our rope,
hit a stone wall in some aspect of our lives beyond which we can go no further;
only when we hit "bottom" in despair and surrender,
can we accomplish sobriety, which we could never accomplish before.
We must, and we do, surrender in order to win.
- Experience, Strength and Hope, pp. 155-156

Paradox #2
How can you keep anything if you give it away? It seems absurd and untrue.
But in order to keep whatever it is we get in AA,
we must go about giving it away to others, for no fee or rewards of any kind.
When we cannot afford to give away what we have received so freely in AA,
we had better get ready for our next "drunk." It will happen every time.
We've got to continue giving it away in order to keep it.
- Experience, Strength and Hope, p. 156

Paradox #3
There is no way to escape the terrible suffering of remorse and regret and shame
and embarrassment which starts us on the road to getting well from our affliction.
There is no new way to shake off a hangover. It's painful.
And for us, necessarily so. . . . We suffer to get well.
- Experience, Strength and Hope, p. 156

Paradox #4
When we work at our Twelve Steps,
the old life of guzzling and fuzzy thinking,
and all that goes with it, gradually dies,
and we acquire a different and better way of life.
As our shortcomings are removed, one life of us dies,
and another life of us lives.
We in AA die to live.
- Experience, Strength and Hope, p. 15



“Home of the Gentle People"
  Friday to Saturday
     FEBRUARY 5 – 7, 2016


FEBRUARY 19-21, 2016
"Happy Joyous and Free"

International AA Convention in Costa Rica

international convention art

***Save The Date***
May 6,7, & 8 2016

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

For more information

Email Jason G or Russell B

Unity & Service Conference
The Secret is U.S.
(Unity + Service)
September 2 - 4, 2016

Concord, CA


Join us as we foster Unity and Service by sharing our stories and experience. Our panelists from around the country will be focusing on the following topics:

 Applying Spiritual Principles - Sharon C., CA
 A.A. Myths and Misconceptions - Phyllis H., NY
 A.A. Hot Topics and Controversies - Billy N., NJ
 Successful Relationships - Debbie D., CA
 The Home Group - Don L., WA


Seniors in Sobriety
10th International Conference
November 3-6, 2016 San Diego, CA

Speaker Recordings

Wee Willie’s
Sobriety First Media
AA CD’s Literature and tapes

The Lights are On

AA Speaker Tapes

Recovery Speakers


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Meditation Resources


Loving Kindness Meditations

With Music

Voice only

Free Guided Meditations


Great Minds Quotes


Twenty Four Hours a Day
Since 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day has become a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics
throughout the world. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised),
 this "little black book" offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life.
A spiritual resource with practical applications to fit our daily lives.
Copyright 1975 Hazeleden Foundation

Tammy’s recovery links

Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Nonsense:
Change Happens by Changing Your Perception
 by Georgia Hughes

AA Photo Archives

Heard at A Meeting

Breast Cancer Site
Take a minute and click to provide free mammograms

America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group
and advocacy national nonprofit organization.

Big Book Quotes

The Universe


As We See It (AWSI)

Keep It Simple
Hazelden Meditations


Daily Thought

Speaker Recordings

Wisdom of the Room

To comment or to unsubscribe:

Tom Murphy
C 508.221.8896
H 772 219 2346
Skype txmurphy

222 SE Flamingo Ave
Stuart, Florida



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