
Showing posts from January, 2016

Your Daily Reprieve 01.31.16

Your Daily Reprieve for Sunday January  31, 2016 From Stuart , Florida "Gratitude releases us from the 'Gimmies'. If there is to be any peace, it will come through being, not having. --Henry Miller “I have come to believe that hard times are not just meaningless suffering and that something good might turn up at any moment. That's a big change for someone who used to come to in the morning feeling sentenced to another day of life. When I wake up today, there are lots of possibilities. I can hardly wait to see what's going to happen next.” ~Anonymous "You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as the unknown - only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood" ~Captain James T Kirk The ultimate purpose of human life is to love in the face of hatred, to forgive in the place of pain, to