
Showing posts from November, 2023

Your Daily Reprieve 12.01.23

      Your Daily Reprieve for Friday December 1, 2023   From Waynesville, NC       A tragic mistake that is often made by orthodox religious people is to assume that the will of God for them is bound to be something very dull and uninviting, if not positively unpleasant.   The truth is that the will of God for us always means greater freedom, greater self-expression, wider and newer and brighter experience.    -Emmet Fox     We are what we desire to be.   We can be what we wish to be.   If we make a plan of our lives and desire that plan to be fulfilled, we will become that.   Desire to be great and you will be.   Desire to kill and you can also kill.   Mind will work to fulfill desire, no matter what the desire is.   -Walter Russell     If you change your thinking you will change your actions,   If you change your actions you will change your thi