
Showing posts from October, 2022

Your Daily Reprieve 11.01.22

      Your Daily Reprieve for Tuesday November 1 ,  2022   From Waynesville, NC     By being honest with yourself about what you believe, and then acting on that principle regardless of what others might think or say, you promote an inner peace that gives you a strong sense of worthiness.   I encourage you to examine your thoughts carefully in all areas of your life, and identify where you are not in harmony with your actions.   Then work each day to bring about more of a sense of inner congruence that meets with your own personal standards.    -Wayne Dyer     Conformity to others’ ideas of serving God means little to us, for our uppermost duty and interest is in pleasing God by finding and doing what he has called us to do.   In doing so we are filled with a renewed spirit.   We will experience a radiant joy in the simple things of everyday living, in doin