
Showing posts from January, 2021

Your Daily Reprieve 02.01.21

      Your Daily Reprieve for February   , 2021   From Jacksonville, FL     Nature always takes her time.  Great oaks don't become great overnight.  They also lose a lot of leaves, branches, and bark in the process of becoming great.   -Andrew Matthews     “These days I find that nothing is as precious as my sanity. I used to be addicted to drama and could only function on excitement and high levels of adrenaline. It’s very different today ... It’s all very ordinary and average and sane, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything”     London, England, February 1997, From: “Mesmerized by Sanity”, Spiritual Awakenings Big Book Quote       Daily Share!   AA Speaker of the Day     ***** ZOOM Meetings   Loose Garment Nooner M-F 12:00 EST (NY) ID: 238 977 518 PW:  004 394   Saturday Morning 9AM EST (NY) Loose Garment Group ID: 630 312 8