
Showing posts from June, 2019

Your Daily Reprieve 07.01.19

Your Daily Reprieve for Monday July 1, 2019 From Waynesville, NC When first humbled by my alcoholism, I found it easy to follow instructions. As a result, I developed a lot of habits that are good for maintaining my sobriety, such as going to meetings, reading the literature, doing service work, etc. But as time marched on, I found some new suggestions harder to swallow. I also found myself with a bit of what I call sober pride, which is the belief that I know about AA and staying sober since I have such-and-such time away from my last drink. It's logical. If I have time, I must be doing something right. If I'm doing something right, then I should know what that is.   Maybe I know what's best for me now. Maybe I even know what's best for you. ~Dan B., Grapevine, Jan 2008 "Integrity is telling myself the truth. Honesty is telling the truth to other people." --Spencer Jo

Your Daily Reprieve 06.30.19

Your Daily Reprieve for Sunday June 30, 2019 From Waynesville, NC Look around you…everything changes… everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolving, refining, improving, adapting, enhancing and changing …you were not put on this earth to remain stagnant… ~Dr. Steve Mataboli Few situations.. no matter how greatly they appear to demand it.. can be bettered by us going berserk.          ~Codependent No More "When I call my sponsor, my friends, someone on my home group's phone list, or someone who scribbled their number on a napkin after a meeting, I make progress ... If we just call, we help one another stay sober, one call at a time, one connection at a time." ~Grapevine: Morristown, New Jersey, May 2003 It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one. ~Zig Ziglar Big Book Quot