
Showing posts from January, 2019

Your Daily Reprieve 02.01.19

Your Daily Reprieve for Friday   February 1, 2019 From Jacksonville, FL 'The 12 Steps of our A.A. program are not crammed down anybody's throat. They are not sustained by any human authority. Yet we powerfully unite around them because the truth they contain has saved our lives, has opened the doors to a new world. Our experience tells us these universal truths work. The anarchy of the individual yields to their persuasion. He sobers up and is led, little by little, to complete agreement with our simple fundamentals. Ultimately, these truths govern his life and he comes to live under their authority, the most powerful authority known, the authority of his full consent, willingly given. He is ruled, not by people, but by principles, by truths and, as most of us would say, he is ruled by God.' ~Language of the Heart : Rules Dangerous, Unity Vital pg. 8 "Fearless people embrace the flow of life wi