
Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Daily Reprieve 06.30.17

Your Daily Reprieve for  Friday June 30 ,  2017 From Waynesville, NC "Guilt is anger directed at ourselves--at what we did or did not do." --Peter McWilliams The days go by and you hardly notice...until they're gone. May you be blessed to enjoy each moment as you live it, acknowledging the time God gives you and being grateful for it. ~Prayables It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company. ~ George Washington There are many things to be grateful "for" but, as I ripen with the seasons of life, the many reasons blend into a sacred mystery. And, most deeply, I realize that living gratefully is its own blessing. ~Michael Mahoney "I am now prepared to become the better person I've neglected to be." ~Anonymous Big Book Quote "No words can tell of the loneliness and despair I found in that bitter morass of self-pity. Quicks

Your Daily Reprieve 06.29.17

Your Daily Reprieve for  Thursday June 29 ,  2017 From Waynesville, NC "The emotions we feel are created from the thoughts that we choose to focus on, consciously or unconsciously.  The emotions act as markers to let us know if we are focusing on expansive, empowering thoughts or fearful, limiting thoughts. Feelings are not facts, simply information." ~Anonymous The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now. ~Anonymous Be honest. You're guilty of it. They are talking to you and you're no longer listening to understand; you're listening to reply. May you be blessed to be a worthy partner in conversation who pays attention to the words and their meaning, with a compassionate heart, and an open mind. ~Prayables "Many blessings have been showered upon me during my five years and nine months of sobriety -- great spiritual gifts,