
Showing posts from June, 2016

Your Daily Reprieve 06.30.16

Your Daily Reprieve for  Thursday June  30,  2016 From Waynesville , NC “The A.A. who hides his identity from his fellow A.A. by using only a given name violates the Tradition just as much as the A.A. who permits his name to appear in the press in connection with matters pertaining to A.A.” ~Dr. Bob & the Good Oldtimers, pg. 264 Instruction does much, but encouragement everything. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you." ~Oscar Wilde “If you allow people to make more withdrawls than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance & in the negative! Know when to close the account.” ~Christie Williams Big Book Quote "This painful past may be of infinite value to other families still struggling with their problem. We think each family w