
Showing posts from March, 2014

Your Daily Reprieve 03.31.14

Your Daily Reprieve for Monday  March   31, 2014 From Stuart , Florida If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulder of giants. ~-- Isaac Newton It is quite possible to waste a lot of time and energy trying to make impossible changes. Many of us, inspired by the dynamics of the program and driven more by enthusiasm than prudence, strike out on missions that cannot be accomplished -- missions we cannot win and should never undertake. Turning back the clock is one of these. It can't be done. Controlling someone else's behavior is another. We can set the stage for the desired behavior, encourage it, and improve the odds by getting out of the way, but we don't have it in our bag of tricks to make people think, feel, or do any one thing. The program addresses the art of the possible. The only options we have are the options that are avail

Your Daily Reprieve 03.30.14

Your Daily Reprieve for Sunday March 30, 2014 From Stuart , Florida “Resentment, fear and anger are related:  Resentment is the feeling I have when I remember that I didn’t get my way in the past.  Fear is the feeling I have when I don’t think I’ll get my way in the future. Anger is the feeling I have when I don’t get my way right now!” ~Doug D. "Forgiveness is the final form of love." ~ Reinhold Niebuhr This world belongs to the enthusiastic. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Tradition Two, like all the A.A. Traditions, is the voice of experience, based upon the trials of thousands of groups in our pioneering time. The main principles of Tradition Two are crystal clear: the A.A. groups are to be the final authority; their leaders are to be entrusted with delegated responsibilities only.  -- The A.A. Service Manual Combined With Twelve Concepts for World Service "You haven't truly won a